How to Train a Cat to Use Cat Litter?
In most cases, kittens are taught by their mothers to use the litter box, which is based on their ancestors' habit of defecating in the sand and then burying the litter.
However, many newly adopted stray cats may not be able to use the litter box, or for some other reasons the cat doesn’t use it, then we need to guide the cat to use it properly.
If you want to train your cat to use litter, the following points are important:
1. Choose the right litter box
Start with a litter box that fits your cat.
If your cat is only about a month old or has advanced in age, make sure you have a litter box that is low enough, preferably the level at which your cat can get in with a lift of its legs, to make sure it can get in and out easily. (The lid of a shoe box, for example, will work just fine.)
By the time your cat is two months old, when it's ready to jump, use a slightly higher litter box or an enclosed cat toilet.
For cats over three months old, use a normal litter box, preferably one about a circle larger than the cat's body.
2. Cat litter box placement
The litter box is best placed in a clean, concealed, well-ventilated environment.
Unlike dogs, cats like to go to the toilet in a quiet place and don't like to be disturbed.
If the cat is under two months old, the litter box should not be too far away from the litter box and can be kept in the same room.
But don't put it next to your cat's bowl for food. Cats are very clean and they don't like where they go to the toilet to have anything to do with eating.
3. Make an impression
As soon as your cat enters your house, take your cat to the litter box and let it know that it is a good place to poop. Hold your cat's small paw and pull it over the litter box to familiarize it with the environment.
Some of the smarter cats, tell it this once, it will be here to poop and pee in the future.
Impress your cat by putting it in the litter box for a few days after your cat comes the home, when your cat has just gotten out of bed or eaten.
4. Don't scold the cat
If the cat has already defecated in the room, do not scold it, do not even punish the cat.
This can cause fear and may lead to a more private place to relieve itself, such as under the bed or in the corner of the sofa.
If you find your cat defecating in the room, you can use a paper towel to place some its poop in the litter box. Cats have a good sense of smell, so it will think there is a connection between the litter box and the poop, and let it stay in the litter box for a while.
If your cat can't cover up its poop, hold it small paw and scratch the litter to cover it.
If the first litter doesn't bury well, put the cat in the litter box again and it will continue to bury.
Repeat the procedure the next time you see signs of your cat wanting to poop in the room. A smart cat will quickly learn to use the litter box properly, usually within a few days.
5. Clean your room
Be sure to clean the area where your cat has pooped.
Cats hate the smell of orange peels and lemons, so spray lemon juice or orange peels on the area where they used to poop until your cat gets used to using the litter box.
6. Give rewards in time
Reward your cat for pooping in the litter box. Cats are known for eating, so the best thing is food. Reward them every time until they get used to using the litter box. This way the smart cat knows that this behavior can get you food.
7. Keep the litter box clean
It is recommended to replace the litter box every two weeks and clean the litter box.
You can use soft detergent and warm water to scrub the cat litter box, and it is best to put it outside to bask in the sun, so that it can play the role of sterilization.
Training your cat to use litter can be a bit of a process, so be patient with your cat or it will probably piss on your bed when it gets angry!